Creative & Performing Arts

Creative & Perfoming Arts
POWIIS Tanjung Bungah celebrates the creative and performing arts, placing great emphasis on this aspect of the holistic curriculum. As subjects, art, design, music and drama provide opportunities for children to develop their creative passions, express themselves, explore alternative perspectives while embracing their individuality.
In addition to weekly curriculum time, there are a number of opportunities for students to further pursue their passions in these areas. Alongside the after-school activities programme, students may wish to join the school choirs, participate in musical performances and art competitions. There are also Year Group Productions, poetry and public speaking assemblies and the very popular POWIIS Players, (our in-house drama group).
As members of AIMS (Association of International Malaysian Schools) and FOBISIA (Federation of British International Schools in Asia), there are also opportunities for our students to participate and enter events across the region.
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