Student Leadership

POWIIS is dedicated to holistic personal growth, and we firmly believe in the power of student leadership to shape the future. At POWIIS, our student leadership programmes provide a platform for students to develop essential skills, make a positive impact within our school community, and contribute to the world beyond our campus.
Student leadership structure and opportunities:
The Executive Student Leadership Team (ESLT) comprises our Head Girl and Head Boy, Deputy Head Girl and Deputy Head Boy. This team meets regularly with the Principal and Deputy Principal to discuss ideas, and also oversees the work of the wider student leadership team which comprises Committee Chairs, House Captains and the Student Council.
The Eco Committee’s role is to drive the school’s development in regard to becoming more environmentally aware and to liaise with other schools in Penang in contributing to the green movement. This also involves undertaking sustainable development initiatives, and overseeing the process of attaining the eco-schools flag award. The committee consists of the following positions:-
● President
● Vice-President
● Secretary
● Treasurer
● Data Manager
In KS4, our students identify the subjects that will drive their ambitions and select the options that will best prepare them for a successful future. They are supported to select a set of A-level subjects that will unlock their future pathways.
The Humanitarian and Wellbeing Committee aims to instil a stronger sense of identity, belonging and resilience through activities that promote collaboration and interaction which, in turn, lead to greater overall wellbeing amongst the POWIIS community. They also develop and organise events which act as fundraisers with a goal of increasing the awareness of communities in need within POWIIS. The committee consists of the following positions:-
● President
● Vice-President
● Secretary
● Treasurer
● Social Media & Events Manager
The Yearbook Committee aims to create an annual yearbook that captures and records memorable events for everyone in the POWIIS community. The committee is composed of three teams: photography, writing and design, endeavouring to allow students and staff alike to preserve, commemorate and reflect upon memories and events throughout the school year. The committee consists of the following positions:-
● Head Editor
● Deputy Head Editor
● Head of Design
● Head of Photography
● Head of Writing
The Sustainable Development Committee aims to organise school participation in all of the FOBISIA Race4Good (R4G) events. Its main aim is to uplift communities from all around the world, through R4G races, providing local aid and other appropriate means. The committee also nurtures younger students with different skill sets to grow into successful Race4Good participants. The committee consists of the following positions:-
● President
● Vice-President
● Secretary
● Treasurer
● Student Advisor
The Soft Skills Committe (SSC) aims to advise and collaborate with the school on organising and implementing essential soft skills development programmes, as well as related extracurricular activities (ECA’s) and POWIIS Projects. They serve as the student organising team for internal and external soft skills programmes organised by the committee as well as the Centre of Excellence for Soft Skills Education (CoESSE) partnership with Malaysian Institute of Debate and Public Speaking (MIDP). The committee consists of the following positions:-
● President
● Vice-President
● Secretary
● Treasurer
● Events Manager
The Ball Committee’s role is to plan and organise the annual School Ball. They arrange recreational activities during special events for the POWIIS community as a fundraiser for the ball. The committee consists of the following positions:-
● President
● Vice-President
● Secretary
● Treasurer
● Events Manager
● Creative Director
● PR representative
House Captains:
The House Captains, and their deputies, are responsible for the development of House events and for encouraging team spirit in each of our four houses: aqua, ignis, terra and ventus.
Student Council:
The Student Council is jointly chaired by the Deputy Head Girl and Deputy Head Boy and also comprises a representative from each Tutor Group, referred to as Class Councillors. The Student Council is responsible for ensuring student ideas are passed to the Executive Student Leadership Team.